Sunday, July 11, 2010

This week has been pretty good

to me. I've been trying very hard to watch what I eat. It is hard to do this, but I will get there. Anyone have any ideas?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

After a long hiatus,

I have decided to try this again. Lots has happened since my last post. The first thing is that I fell off the wagon. It's time to get back on and try again.

I am currently not working outside the home. The job I started back in March just didn't pan out for me, so I am in the market for another job. I surely hope I can find one and soon.

I am now back on the weight loss wagon and need some help staying there. I appreciate any ideas that anyone has to share with me on how to do this.

Until next time,


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sorry I missed everyone yesterday.

It was kind of an icky day to be outside if you didn't have to be. Since I didn't have anywhere to go, I stayed in. But on to business.

Day 1 went well I think. I measured out everything I ate. I went by the serving sizes on the packaged food we cooked. I still can't handle eating just egg whites though, so I just had 2 regular scrambled eggs. Maybe in time I can do the egg white thing, but I thought for the start, I'm gonna adjust one thing at a time. We made spaghetti for dinner and I couldn't finish everything that was on my plate. I think that is a good sign.

I didn't do any exercising, but I want to try and get the food thing under control first and then work on the exercises.

So far today has been ok. I went and did my drug test for my new job starting in March. I'm kind of excited about it as I haven't done this kind of thing in a few years. I will be a sample pusher at Sam's club here in town.

Well until tomorrow, healthy eating everyone.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My reason for doing this.

Well this is it. The last few days of eating whatever I want. On Monday, February 1, I will be starting a diet. No, it isn't a diet, it is a healthy eating plan. I don't like the word diet because the first three letters in that word spell die.

I have 50 pounds to lose. If you would like to take the journey with me and lose some weight of your own, feel free to jump in with me. I have started this blog for several reasons, but the biggest one is to make myself accountable to myself and others for achieving this goal. I will take pictures of myself once a month so we can see some progress.

I will be using as well to help me with exercises, food logging, and recipes. If anyone has good and cheap recipes that are low fat, nutritious but yummy at the same time, please post those too. I am always up for trying new things.

My next post will be on Monday everyone. See you all then!

Colleen aka Tigerpaw